News 2003

Sepp Schmidl new coach for Erki Nool 21.12.03
Combined Events Annual 2003 13.12.03
New Coach for Thomas Tebbich 14.11.03
Results Heinz Mayr Decathlon 2003 22.10.03
Pictures from Double Decathlon/Heptathlon 22.10.03
Results Double Decathlon/Heptathlon in St.Pölten 06.10.03
Regional Championships from Lower Austria 30.09.03
Slovenian open Combined Events in October 25.09.03
Decastar Meeting in Talence 22.09.03
Pictures from CSIT Championships 22.09.03
Results from CSIT Championships 22.09.03
Results from regional Championships in Ried 22.09.03
Results from regional Championships in Balgach 15.09.03
Pictures from the national Championships in Reutte 03.08.03
Comeback of Simon Poelman 01.08.03
Results of National Championships 28.07.03
Pictures from the European Cup in Maribor 15.07.03
Pictures from the European Cup in Brixen 07.07.03
100 Minutes Decathlon - Results 22.06.03
Results IAAF-Group Jedermann Decathlon 21.06.03
Pictures from Götzis 04.06.03
Results from Götzis 04.06.03
Results from Maribor 04.06.03
VIENNA-DECATHLON with 100-minute-PREMIERE 20/21/22 June 18.05.03
Multievents Meeting in Linz - 10./11.05.03 12.05.03
International Multievents Desenzano/ITA - 10./11.05.03 12.05.03
Pictures from the national Championships 15.03.03
Georg Werthner wins European Masters 08.03.03
Results National Indoor Championships 23.02.03
Pictures of Heptathletes in Gran Canaria 11.02.03
Results from Multievents in Vorarlberg 10.02.03
Results from Pentathlon in Salzburg 10.02.03
Indoorseason-Start for Austrian Decathletes 20.01.03
News from Thomas and Markus Walser 09.01.03
Roland Schwarzl with new Team an Coaches 05.01.03