Pictures from the EC Superleague in Brixen - 5./6.7.2003

The Austrian Team: Klaus Ambroch, Markus Walser, Georg Frank and Thomas Tebbich (before the competition)

The Austrian Team had a good start - Markus Walser was the fastest athlete in the 100 Meters and after the 100 Meters, Austria was on second place.

Sergey Niktin, Thomas Tebbich and the later winner Romain Barras in the 100 Meters
After the second event the chances to remain in the Superleague where minimized though three foults of Thomas Tebbich in the long jump.

The young Decathlete Georg Frank was nominated after Thomas Walser and Roland Schwarzl had to quit their start through injury.
Georg Frank also had bad luck in the long jump - after 2 foults he took off his last attempt far away from the board.

Alexandr Shtepa, Klaus Ambrosch, Laurent Hernu and Marzio Viti at the hurdles

Markus Walser was the only Austrian athlete who completed all events. Here he is in the last event - he placed 13th at the end.

Romain Barras - the only athlete to score +8000 points in Brixen

Lyudmila Blonska won the womens heptathlon

Lyudmila Blonska and Prokhorova Yelena - who did a good comeback after a serious injury.
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