Multieventchampionships from Vorarlberg (3./4.2.2001)

Thomas and Markus Walser competed against some swiss top Decathletes in this meeting.
Markus Walser dropped out after the Shot Put because of an injury. If he recovers, both will start at the national championships.

Here are the results:
(events: 50m - LJ - SP - HJ- 50mH - PV - Points)
1. Krebs Adrian SWZ 77 6,04 - 7,26 - 13,94 - 1,85 - 7,02 - 4,20 4.767p
2. Weder Daniel SWZ 79 6,26 - 6,72 - 12,98 - 1,88 - 7,25 - 4,70 4.602p
3. Walser Thomas AUT 78 6,22 - 6,81 - 14,14 - 1,88 - 7,22 - 4,20 4.572p
4. Weibel Xaver SWZ 80 4.528p
5. Thalmann Roland SWZ 75 4.441p
6. Gautschi Andre SWZ 77 4.384p
Walser Markus AUT 79 6,15 - 6,51 - 13,21 - dns

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