Heinz Mayr - Decathlon

In 1962 Heinz Mayr scored 2958p in the regional championships of Upper Austria an made the fifth place.
But in the next year his team didn´t want to pay the entry fee for his start at the championships again, so he organized his own Decathlon in his hometown Steyr.
In 1963 the first Heinz Mayr Decathlon was won by Preisinger Wolfgang with 4763 points. 7 athletes competed at the first meeting.
In 1982 42 starters was the biggest field so far. Everybody who lives in Steyr can compete at this event. Heinz Mayr himself had to pass only one of his Decathlons so far (1991) through injury.

Heinz Mayr (right) with Rastislav Pomsahar (left) and Thomas Schlemmer in 1998.
picture by Kainrath

List if the winners:

Year	Starter	Points	Winner			Total number 
						of Victories
1963	7	4763	Preisinger Wolfgang	1
1964	6	5075	Pontesegger Fritz	1
1965	11	5026	Schlager Gerhard	1
1966	12	5402	Reinhard Günther	1
1967	12	5910	Hallwirth Hans		1
1968	17	5590	Braunegger Hubert	1
1969	15	5329	Braunegger Hubert	2
1970	18	4824	Neugschwandtner Erich	1
1971	9	4952	Lindtner Paul		1
1972	22	5148	Lindtner Paul		2
1973	25	5231	Mayrhofer Karl		1
1974	22	5369	Herzig Gerald		1
1975	23	5195	Herzig Gerald		2
1976	24	5184	Braunegger Hubert	3
1977	19	5297	Braunegger Hubert	4
1978	25	5390	Zeilermayr Hermann	1
1979	25	5744	Zeilermayr Hermann	2
1980	20	4499	Gollatsch Richard	1
1981	22	5502	Zeilermayr Hermann	3
1982	42	5908	Zeilermayr Hermann	4
1983	28	6059	Zeilermayr Hermann	5
1984	39	5575	Steinmayr Teddy		1
1985	29	6083	Steinmayr Teddy		2
1986	30	6404	Steinmayr Teddy		3
1987	30	5705	Foißner Wolfgang	1
1988	37	5884	Foißner Wolfgang	2
1989	29	6075	Irsa Wolfram		1
1990	22	5731	Irsa Wolfram		2
1991	24	6464	Foißner Wolfgang	3
1992	40	5214	Foißner Wolfgang	4
1993	21	5199	Koschat Wolfgang	1
1994	20	5469	Foißner Wolfgang	5
1995	14	5261	Koschat Wolfgang	2
1996	21	5557	Foißner Wolfgang	6
1997	16	5418	Pomsahar Rastislav	1
1998	21	5754	Pomsahar Rastislav	2
1999	18	5765	Pomsahar Rastislav	3
2000	22	5500	Pomsahar Rastislav	4
2001	25	5456	Pomsahar Rastislav	5
2002	28 	4959	Pomsahar Rastislav	6
2003	26 	4732	Pomsahar Rastislav	7
2004	25	4751	Pomsahar Rastislav	8
2005	23	6129*)	Schönleitner Markus	1
2006	13	4210	Koschat Wolfgang	3	
2007    16      5591*)  Wegmayr Oskar           1
2008	20	4832	Pomsahar Rastislav	9
2009	13	5739	Wegmayr Oskar 		2
2010	23	5209	Wegmayr Viktor 		1
2011	25	5427	Wegmayr Viktor 		2

*) Under 18 implements

All-Time Bestlist:

6464	Foißner Wolfgang, 69	1991	
	11,26	6,48	10,82	1,88	52,16	15,66	31,58	3,40	46,96	4:29,34
6417	Steinmayr Teddy, 67	1986	
	10,94	7,63	11,51	2,00	48,60	17,94	25,94	2,80	38,92	4:42,21
6075	Irsa Wolfram, 67	14./15.10.89	
	11,57	6,55	11,65	1,85	54,14	16,38	36,26	3,20	45,42	5:04,88
5816	Zeilermayr Hermann, 63	1983	
(6059)	11,6	6,44	10,27	1,81	51,9	19,6	31,36	3,70	43,70	4:36,3

Meeting Records:

100m:		10,94	Steinmayr Teddy		1986
Long Jump:	7,63	Steinmayr Teddy		1986
Shot Put:	12,50	Ennikl Manfred		1989
High Jump:	2,00	Krifter Gebhart		1977
			Steinmayr Teddy		1986
400m:		48,60	Steinmayr Teddy		1986
110mH:		15,45	Foißner Wolfgang	1988
Discus:		39,04	Ennikl Manfred		1988
Pole Vault:	4,10	Zeilermayr Berthold	1989
Javelin:	55,98	Ennikl Manfred		1993
1500m:		4:00,00	Lindtner Peter		1977