Jedermann Decathlon Day 1 - Vienna 28.6.2002

After many days of hot weather the Decathletes had bad luck today - ot was a cold weather. But at least the rain stopped before the start of IAAF-Group.
The 100 Meters wim young Hamdi Dhouibi from Tunesia. The only Athlete to run under 11 seconds.
In the lonh jump Hamdi had a big first attempt, but fould it by half a feet. After another foul he tool no risk, but didn´t go too far. The long jump won Eugenio Balanque, who set a new seasin best, and his first +7 meter jump this year.
The shot put was also won by Eugenio, who was far away from the other athletes in this event. Hamdi struggled with the slippy circle, and after two fouls he did not rotate, but couldn´t go far in his last attempt.
In the high jump it was again Eugenio who won the event. At his jump over 1,96 it looked like he could go +2 meters today, but he couldn´t clear 1,99.
In the 400m Eugenio sprinted the first 200 meters in 21,2s that was too fast, so the speedy Hamdi caught him at the last 100 Meters. Both ran under 50 seconds.

Results Day 1 IAAF I - Group:

1. Eugenio Balanque	CUB	4033p
   11,11/+0.5 7,08/+0.4 14,70 1,96 49,75
2. Hamdi Dhouibi	TUN	3679p
   10,92/+0.5 6,58/+0.4 10,52 1,90 49,16
3. Luka Klima		CZE	3422p
   11,81/+0.5 6,81/+0.2 12,19 1,81 52,91
4. Johannes Kuenz	AUT	3379p	
   11,67/+0.5 6,70/+1.0 11,40 1,75 51,12
5. Dominik Spilacek	CZE	3293p
   11,91/+0.5 6,32/-0.4 12,41 1,87 53,78
6. Ales Pasternak	CZE   	3251p
   12,10/+0.5 6,43/-0.1 11,72 1,90 54,10
7. Vit Rus		CZE	3231p
   12,16/+0.5 6,33/+0.4 12,07 1,87 53,66
8. Michael Buzek	CZE	2897p
   12,83/+0.5 6,18/-0.1 10,56 1,90 56,47

Results Day 1 IAAF II - Group:

1. Paeaern Brauer	EST	3502p	
   11,75 6,39 14,21 1,89 53,00
2. Hendrik Voll		EST	3386p
   11,76 6,40 13,54 1,89 54,80
3. Georg Frank		AUT	3265p
   11,92 6,29 12,32 1,80 52,69
4. Martin Irrgeher	AUT	3173p
   11,81 6,42 12,83 1,71 55,08
5. Löscher Michael	AUT	2924p
   12,06 5,66 13,40 1,74 57,50
6. Ragnar Linnas	EST	2906p
   11,87 5,97  9,41 1,62 52,13

Results Day 1 Womens Decathlon:

1. Magalis Garcia	CUB	3346p	
   12,03 35,98 2,30 47,12 59,88	

Hamdi Dhouibi

Ales Pasternak

Luka Klima

Eugenio Balanque

Johannes Kuenz

Michael Buzek

Vit Rus

Dominik Spilacek

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