Results from the Weekend - 4./5.5.2002
Some of the Austrian Decathletes opened the season this weekend. The weather was nood good in Austria - cold and raining.
Markus und Thomas Walser competed in open events in Gisingen:
Markus Walser:
110H 14,89 (+0,8) DT 40,09 PV 4,51 300 34,98
Thomas Walser:
110H 14,92 (+0,8) DT 42,46 (PR) PV 4,21 300 36,12
In Linz was the first Decathlon Meeting in this season:
Johannes Kuenz won the menīs event with 6423p. Marion Obermayr set a new Austrian Bestmark in the womens Decathlon with with 6830p
- even the weather was bad she came close to all her PRs in the individual events.