IAAF-Pressekonferenz, 17. Juni in Wien - Informationen zum Akkreditierungsprozess

Da der Medienandrang zur IAAF-Pressekonferenz am 17. Juni im Grand Hotel Wien voraussichtlich sehr groß sein wird, ist für interessierte Journalisten folgendes Anmeldeprocedere einzuhalten.

Media accreditation process - registration is required

Written media, photographers and broadcasters wishing to attend the IAAF Press Conference on 17 June should make note of the following information:

A media pass will be required to attend the IAAF Press Conference. These passes are dependent upon pre-registration on a first-come-first-served basis and the provision of the following information when applying:

  1. Applicant’s name (all individual names for TV crews, including technicians, must be provided)
  2. Email address (for each person registering)
  3. Mobile telephone number (for each person registering)
  4. Name of media organisation being represented
  5. Either (a.) national press card number or (b.) AIPS press card number or (c.) PDF of a signed letter from their editor/producer accompanied by a scanned copy of the passport of the applicant.

All successful applicants must bring their identification documents with them when they collect their accreditation cards.

Deadline for applications: midnight CET, Wednesday 8 June 2016

All requests for media accreditation are to be sent by email only to: councilmedia@iaaf.org

All successful applications will receive a confirmation letter.

ÖLV | 22.04.2016 (HB)

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