Roland Schwarzl: New Website and new Coaches

Today the new Website of Roland Schwarzl
( went online.

Not only his website is new, also in his coaching team there have been some changes:
With Gerald Bauer he makes his planning and weight training in Salzburg-Rif.
For the technique training he has several coaches: beside his wife Sandra he has in Salzburg his throwing coach Ernst Grössinger. At trainingscamps he works with Christian Röhrling for the longjump, and in Czech Rep. with Slava Patera and Ludek Svoboda.

His goal for the indoor season is to qualify for the European Indoor Championships.
"I think I will need between 5850 and 5900 points catch a starting point."

His first approach for the qualification he will do at  7./8.Feb. in Linz or Tallinn if he is invited.




Robert Katzenbeisser

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