World Best mark for Bekele

BIRMINGHAM (Feb 17): Kenenisa Bekele achieved what he wanted. A world indoor best at 2000 m, his shortest "WR" of career. He devastated the former best mark of his famous countryman Haile Gebrselassie by 2.87 s in 4:49.99. The former best 4:52.86 was also achieved in Birmingham on Feb 15, 1998. Only five athletes ran faster than that outdoors. Yelena Isinbayeva again attacked 494 as in Bydgoszcz on Wednesday, but missed the mark. The best attempt was the second one. She started at 465 (in second) and went over 473 in first. As sure winner she then went straight to WR tries.

Olympic champion Christian Olsson from Sweden had only one valid jump in triple jump, but 17.34 was clearly enough for win. Drama at 400 m – Xavier Carter at his first european indoor race of career did not followed the rules about running in lanes and was disqualified (he finished first), the same happened to initially fourth placer the 400 m hurdles world champion Bershawn Jackson.

Reese Hoffa (USA) won after Valencia also his second european outing of the season in Shot put. His third and fourth round efforts were 21.12 enough for win over teammates Taylor and Cantwell, who this time did not went over 21 metres.
Alfons Juck

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