New EAA Communication Manager

The European Athletic Association has appointed Pierce O'Callaghan as its new Communication Manager. Pierce, who is Irish, will be based at the EAA's head office in Lausanne and will take up his post on 1 November.

Pierce is currently employed as Events and Competitions Manager at Scottish Athletics in the UK, where part of his responsibility is to lead on all communication, press conferences and promotional plans for major events in Scotland. He was also meeting director for the new Celtic Cup international match which took place very successfully, with live television coverage, in August this year.

Prior to joining Scottish Athletics, Pierce worked in a voluntary capacity for Athletics Ireland, including as media officer from 2002 to 2005. He has also worked as a freelance journalist, including at several international events.

Pierce represented Ireland internationally in the 20km walk and participated in the 1998 European Athletics Championships. In addition, he is a Level II race walking judge and has also previously coached race walking.

Pierce will be responsible for all aspects of communications at the EAA, including the EAA website - - and publications, and will oversee the media services at EAA events.

He is looking forward to continuing the work done in communications at the EAA over the last 18 months by the current Communication Manager Emily Lewis and in particular to further developing the recently re-launched EAA website.

Source: EAA
Emily Lewis

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