Lysenko hot with 75.07, great hurdles sprinting

BANSKA BYSTRICA, Aug 27 – Hammer world record holder Tatyana Lysenko from Russia fulfilled the expectations of the organisers of 4th Athletics Bridge (double EAA Meetings) in Central Slovakia. She achieved new meet record and the best ever mark on Slovak territory. She started with 72.72 and achieved the best result of 75.07 m in second throw, then passed the third one and concentrated on the fourth which measured 73.33. „I did not felt so well to be able to attack the world record,“ she explained. Still her result was the best of the meet and also showed that hammer when organised in the main stadium in smooth mood (4 attempts) and with music support could be an interesting event. Former record holder Gulfiya Khanafeyeva from Russia beat Cuban Yipsi Moreno only in her last throw which was worth 72.95 m. Five throwers achieved 70 m+ marks. Men fighted for IAAF World Athletics Tour points and at the end the champion was smiling. Current world and european champion Ivan Tikhon from Belarus won the competition with his and overall last throw 78.97 m. Well in shape Hungarian Krisztian Pars beeing second with 77.73 and beating the other two european medallists Karjalainen (3rd) and Deviatovskiy (5th). All throwers are hoping for even better results on Tuesday in the second leg of the event in Dubnica. Shot put world leader Christian Cantwell also made the local crowd of 2000 spectators happy with his last throw 21.19 which was new meet record and 4th best ever result in Slovakia. „I wanted more, but in next meet I hope for that,“ said Cantwell. New meet records were achieved also in three jumping events. Randy Lewis from Grenada won surprisingly the triple jump with 17.31 and missed his national record only by 3 centimetres. European bronze winner Marian Oprea from Romania tried hard in his last attempt which was 17.26 but he jumped well before the board, so in reality his jump was worth nearly 17.50 mark. „Pity with the last jump, but I think in Dubnica I will manage to win,“ explained Oprea. Russian world indoor silver medallist Andrey Tereshin showed great late season shape. Without touching the bar he went over another meet record 231 cm. Then he did not jumped more. „I want to save something for Dubnica on Tuesday,“ he said. Women´s pole vault saw a clear winner in German Nastja Ryshich who jumped in excellent shape. She went over 415, 430, 440 and 445 always on first try. After first at 464 (her new best) he saved the other two attempts for Tuesday as she said. Still her result is second best ever in Slovakia and of course a meet record. Great results were achieved in hurdles sprints bearing in mind that at the end of the meet in the evening the weather was already cold and nearly windless. Danielle Carruthers from USA gave to the spectators a very nice meet record of 12.89. In the men territory two equal races were organised and for the overall order the times were combined. In first Aubrey Herring nearly achieved his best and with 13.32 (meet record) missed it only by 0.01. In second race David Oliver achieved even in smoother fashion nearly the same 13.35. In Dubnica heats will be organised so the best will meet in one race. New meet records were achieved in both 200 m sprints. Roxana Diaz from Cuba won with 23.18 with the grand dame Merlene Ottey in fourth achieving new masters world record in category 45+ with 23.82. „It is too long for me, I hope to win more ground on the girls on Tuesday at 100 m,“ said Ottey. US Champs bronze medallist Rod Martin won the men section in another meet record 20.53 and was able to beat the fast finishing Darvis Patton by 0.06 s. In other jackpot events Mitch Potter from USA (400 m), Johan Cronje (South Africa, 800 m) and Andrey Farnosov (Russia, steeple, new meet record 8:33.41) were the winners. The only local winner was Marian Bokor in javelin with the jackpot chance.

All athletes moved Monday morning to Dubnica and will fight for the jackpot of 14.000 E, this will be shared by athletes who will win their events twice. Sprinters will contest 100 m and steeplers 2000 m, other events are remaining the same. New addition into the start list for Tuesday will be US 400 m runner Jamal Ashley who after competing in Paris on Saturday could not come early enough to compete also in the first leg. In national programme the 800m european semifinalist Lucia Klocova smashed in solo effort her 3 years old best to very good 2:00.28. She hopes to finally break 2 minutes on Wednesday in Rovereto, Italy. In total out of 14 jackpot events in 10 new meet records were achieved (not having meet records were only men 400, 800, JT and HT).

Jackpot candidates


200/100 m: Rod Martin (USA)
400 m: Mitch Potter (USA)
800 m: Johan Cronje (South Africa)
3000 mSC/2000 mSC: Andrey Farnosov (Russia)
110mH: Aubrey Herring (USA)
HJ: Andrey Tereshin (Russia)
TJ: Randy Lewis (Grenada)
SP: Christian Cantwell (USA)
JT: Marian Bokor (Slovakia)
HT: Ivan Tikhon (Belarus)


200/100 m: Roxana Diaz (Cuba)
100mH: Danielle Carruthers (USA)
PV: Nastja Rysikh (Germany)
HT: Tatyana Lysenko (Russia)

Full results at (follow them live also on Tuesday from Dubnica).
Alfons Juck

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