Sebrle and his last test

PARDUBICE, Aug 3 – Despite rain weather European title defender Roman Sebrle was satisfied with his last test before travelling on Saturday to Goteborg. He achieved two year bests in the hurdles and shot put. „I must say I am really satisfied, because the conditions were not good at all. Mainly shot over 16 metres is great. I feel better than last year before Helsinki and it comes near to my pre-Athens shape,“ he said after running 14.27 the hurdles, jumping 760 and achieving 16.19 in shot put.

Results men 100 m (+0.5): 1. Jan Schiller 10.68, 110H (+0.9): 1. Stanislav Sajdok 13.93, 2. Roman Sebrle 14.27, 3. Tomas Dvorak 14.56, PV: 1. Stepan Janacek 520, 2. Tomas Dvorak 460,...Adam Ptacek nh (520), LJ: 1. Roman Novotny 763, 2. Roman Sebrle 760, 3. Tomas Pour 755, SP: 1. Petr Stehlik 18.91, 2. Remigius Machura 18.28, 3. Antonin Zalsky 18.21, 4. Roman Sebrle 16.19, 5. Tomas Dvorak 15.73, JT: 1. Jan Syrovatko 75.98, HT: 1. Lukas Melich 75.63

Wom – 400 m: 1. Ludmila Formanova 55.45, PV: 1. Katerina Badurova 431, 2. Romana Malacova (87) 390, 3. Jirina Ptacnikova 380, LJ: 1. Pavlina Vostatkova 604

Brejchova not travelling

PRAHA, Aug 3 – It looked excellent after her Ostrava Golden Spike 65.26 performance in first competition after giving birth to daughter Valerie. Now Nikola Brejchova, the 4th placer at Olympic Games in Athens in javelin, is more than sad. Her arm injury did not allow her to travel to European Championships. „I tried with help of doctors but it would be not more than 58 metres and with risking that the injury will get worse. So we decided to quit the season and start the preparation for 2007 and World Championships in Osaka. It is pity because physically I feel very good and strong. But in javelin without the throwing arm is nothing you can do,“ she explained. In the meantime she lost also her national record (65.91 in 2004) to Barbora Spotakova who achieved recently at Helsinki Grand Prix 66,00 m.

Zelezny in good mood

PRAHA, Aug 4 – Javelin legend Jan Zelezny is travelling to his last big event in national vest. „I am not nervous, I am looking forward to this challenge, I have nothing to loose, just to proove that I can still compete with the young boys. There is no pressure because I announced well in advance that this will be my last season. There are no question marks. My Stockholm result of 85.08 made me safer that the shape is there. I am sure I would have thrown farther also there but we had difficulties at the runway with the pole vaulters. I am having this year 86 and 85 metres but I think I can do more, obviously not as before 10 years, but still good,“ said the three time olympic and world champion. „There is no nostalgy, just good feelings. I remember Goteborg in 1995, I was the winner there and had very good qualification and finals, that was one of the easiest,“ he is remembering. „I was not a favourite for Sydney and was able to win, this time I am also not travelling as a favourite. Realistically Pitkamaki and Thorkildsen are the ones. I would be satisfied with any medal. But first is to have a good qualification. Of course my body would need one week after that and before the finals, but that is not possible, I must somehow survive the rest day and be ready for finals,“ said Zelezny, currently also IOC member. It will be his 5th European Championships – so far he has only one bronze from 1994 – in 1986 and 1990 he was stopped in qualifications and in 2002 due to health problems was having no mark in the finals. Due to surgery he did not competed in 1998.

Baba is returning

PRAHA, Aug 4 – Although he will not compete in Goteborg one of the most talented high jumpers Czech Jaroslav Baba announced that he will compete in 2nd half of the season and his comeback place should be the prestigious HJ meet in Eberstadt, Germany on Aug 18. His ankle injury from indoor season is ok by now and he is taking the second half of the season as a good preparation for indoors 2007. He also should compete at Athletics Bridge Meetings in Slovakia on Aug 27 (Banska Bystrica) and Aug 29 (Dubnica).

19 title defenders are competing, 23 not

The quick study of entry list for European Championships shows that 19 title defenders are scheduled to compete, 12 men and 7 women. The number of Munich 2002 winners who are not competing is bigger with 23 (10 men and 13 women). Interesting is the higher number of women in this list. From Budapest 1998 4 winners are scheduled to compete (Baldini, Riedel, Dietzsch, M. Melinte). Interesting is the russian attitude where the title defenders Tatyana Kotova in LJ and Olimpiada Ivanova at 20 km walk were not selected and space was given to younger generation.

Rome is the first part season leader

Golden Gala of Rome is the leader in the meetings scoring after the first part of the season. Athletissima of Lausanne with this year special sprinting evening is second before Paris Golden League meeting. It will be tough for the remaining big events (Zurich, Brussels, Berlin, Monaco) to score at same level. Exceptionally big score was achieved by the greek EAA Premium Meeting in Rhetymno which now belongs into top ten. Of course all the july big meets had the luck of good weather.

Current top ten:

1. Roma (IAAF GL) 86 825
2. Lausanne (IAAF SPG) 86 619
3. Paris (IAAF GL) 86 286
4. Athens (IAAF SGP) 85 929
5. Stockholm (IAAF SGP) 85 316
6. Oslo (IAAF GL) 84 810
7. London (IAAF SGP) 84 510
8. Eugene (IAAF GP) 84 453
9. Rethymno (EAA PM) 83 915
10. Gateshead (IAAF GP) 83 718
Alfons Juck

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