Borzakovskiy not in Goteborg - Zelezny in Stockholm

Zelezny in Stockholm

Javelin legend Jan Zelezny will have his next competition in his last season at famous DN Galan in Stockholm on Tuesday. What a symbolic – the meet is 40 and he is in the meantime also 40. After two meets early in the season (Doha and Ostrava) he - and that is another symbolic story – injured his calf muscle exactly on the day of his 40th birthday. It was not very serious, but because he wants to be totally fit in his last season he underwent treatment, cancelled some meetings and continued to train. „I am feeling again well, this is my last season so I want still show something. This will be my only and last competition before European Championships,“ he said. Because he is now 40 he can also attack the masters world record held by Peter Blank from germany (84.08 in 2003). „But this is not the real aim, that is compete with the best,“ says Zelezny.

Sebrle in Loughborough

Decathlon world record holder Roman Sebrle succesfully a period of training with some very good results in practice. „I very satisfied with my preparation which happened in Nymburk near of Praha. I had some marks which I did not achieved in last three years. I am very tired, but that is a good sign. All is orientated towards the only and most important goal of this season and that is the title defence in Goteborg,“ explained the olympic champion. He will compete as part of his preparation for Europeans at a meeting in Loughborough, England on Wednesday July 26 at 110mHurdles, 200 m and in discus. „After that I want to have two more competitions,“ he is planning.

Borzakovskiy not in Goteborg

Olympic champion at 800 m Yuriy Borzakovskiy is one of the very few european top athletes who will not compete at European Championships in Goteborg. The Russian team was published at the website and it contains 55 men and 64 women. Four champions from Munich 2002 are included (Rybakov, Feofanova, O. Ivanova, Kotova), two not (Zykina, Korzhanenko). Other top names are not missing like Isinbayeva, Lebedeva (only triple jump), Slesarenko. Super strong are the female trios at 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m and in hammer. As said at the website minor changes are still possible after the Kuts Memorial Meeting to be held on July 24.

Track and Field News published at their website explanation of Steven Francis (coach of Asafa Powell) how it really was with his entry/nonentry in Rhetymno:;article=92723;title=Caribbean%20Track%20%26%20Field%20Forum interesting reading, more interesting is what he could run in the race where Tyson Gay achieved in ideal weather new best of 9.88 with exact +2.0 wind. When we use the difference from Rome (9.85-10.04) that would mean 9.69 in Rhetymno...



Ostrava, July 17 – SP: 1. Milan Haborak,SVK 19.89 – first competition after 2 years doping ban
Marianske Lazne, July 18 – SP: 1. Milan Haborak, SVK 19.83 – he was trying to achieve the standard of 20.00 m for Goteborg that is why two competitions in two days


Nitra, July 15-16 – National Junior Championships
1st day
Men 100 m (+2.5): 1. Marek Sajbidor 10.86, PV: 1. Tomas Ondrejko 460, SP (6 kg): 1. Robert Lobb 17.65, 2. Marcel Lomnicky 17.05, HT (6 kg): 1. Marcel Lomnicky 76.88 NJR, 10 000 m walk: 1. Dusan Majdan 45:06.27
Wom 100 m (+1.3): 1. Barbora Simkova 12.07, 2. Alexandra Stukova (90) 12.21, 3. Slavomira Vrlikova (87) 12.21, PV: 1. Dana Cizkova (91) 370, HT: 1. Nikola Lomnicka (88) 59.56 PB, 5000 m walk: 1. Klara Malikova 24:22.56, 2. Maria Czakova 24:50.57
2nd day
200 m (+0.8): 1. Radovan Horvath 21.77, DT (1.75): 1. Robert Lobb 53.24
Wom 200 (+2.2): 1. Alexandra Stukova (90) 24.29, 2. Barbora Simkova 24.51
Out of comp – TJ: 1. Dmitrij Valukevic 16.02 (+3.8), 2. Jaroslav Dobrovodsky 15.70 (+2.6), wom: 1. Irina Beskrovnaja 13.90 (+3.0)

Nove Mesto nad Vahom, July 18 - U17 Match – boys: 1. HUN 174, 2. CZE 143, 3. SVK 93, girls: 1. CZE 170, 2. HUN 125, 3. SVK 95
Boys – 400 m: 1. Martin Hrstka,CZE 49.56, 110mH (-0.1): 1. Balazs Baji,HUN 14.13, PV: 1. Dezso Szabo,HUN 490, 5000 m walk: 1. Balazs Havasi,HUN 22:57.70
Girls – 200 m (-0.2): 1. Marcela Vondrejcova,CZE 24.59, PV: 1. Dana Cizkova 370, HT (3kg): 1. Katerina Safrankova, CZE 62.93, 5000 m walk: 1. Berta Krivan,HUN 24:49.03


Buhl, July 21 – HJ:1. Svatoslav Ton and Tora Harris, USA 230, 3. Tomas Janku, CZE 230 – Ton and Harris jumped 230 at second, Janku at third, then jump-off was held after all missed 234 three times, Ton and Harris did not jumped over 234 and 232 and then it was decided that there will be two winners this time after agreement of all sides, wom: 1. Tatyana Kivimiagi, RUS 191, 2. Romana Dubnova,CZE 191, 3. Anette Friedrich 191, 4. Iva Strakova, CZE 188
Alfons Juck

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