Danisova 73.84 in hammer highlights the Slovak Championships

TRNAVA, July 1-2 – Highlight of 59th Slovak National Championships held for the first time in city of Trnava (western part of the country) was the hammer show made by Martina Danisova. The 23 years old former junior medallist at international scene so far in her career only once achieved a result over 70 metres before the weekend. On Saturday in Trnava it happened four times and already the first one was a massive improvement of her own national record 70.97 (in May in Kladno, CZE). Next three throws followed again with 70 plus and confirmed her excellent shape. „I felt the shape, during the trainings before the championships I was able to throw over 70 metres, so I hoped to make it also here. I am healthy and that is the most important. The circle was great, it was seen that it was prepared by hammer specalist,“ she said. The Charfreitag throwing family was the main force in the organisation of the championships and so they prepared with special care the hammer competitions. Other female highlights of the championships were solid jumps by Jana Veldakova (660 in long jump, her second best of the career) and two results over 14 metres in triple jump. Irina Beskrovnaja (daughter of Galina Cistjakova) achieved for the first time result over 14 metres and surprisingly was better than Dana Veldakova by one centimetre. It should be noted that Veldakova had a long foul worth of 14.30 plus result. Lucia Klocova fighted alone and against the wind so her 2:03 800 m solo effort is of very high quality.

On the men side Peter Horak confirmed in High jump shape of his life with clear 225 and good tries at 227. Matus Janecek achieved for the first time sub 14 time at high hurldes but was supported by too strong wind. New 800 m prodigy Jozef Repcik was running 200 m and bettered his best to 22.05 which is not bad for a 1:46 runner (he was also third at 400 m). Little bit more was expected from throwers Konopka and Charfreitag and also triple jumper Valukevic wanted more than 16.37 m. First day was affected by strong winds. Discus thrower Ivona Tomanova achieved her 12th title already.

Top results

1st day


100 m (+2.7): 1. Anton Novosad 10.50, 2. Jan Gajdos 10.66, 3. Matus Mentel (87) 10.69
400 m: 1. Peter Znava 47.56, 2. Marcel Lopuchovsky 47.77, 3. Jozef Repcik 48.08
1500 m: 1. Matus Lajcak 3:59.30
10 000 m: 1. Marcel Matanin 31:02.82
110mH (+2.3): 1. Matus Janecek 13.98
SC: 1. Pavol Michalcik 9:15.83
HJ: 1. Peter Horak 225, 2. Lubos Benko 220
LJ: 1. Marian Hruska 767 +2.9, 742 +1.4
HT: 1. Libor Charfreitag 74.47, 2. Marcel Lomnicky (87) 65.61, 3. Branislav Danis 63.12
JT: 1. Marian Bokor 78.08
4x100 m: 1. Spartak Dubnica 43.57


100 m (+1.3): 1. Erika Brselova 12.02, 2. Barbora Simkova (87) 12.07
400 m: 1. Lucia Klocova 54.87
1500 m: 1. Stanislava Janeckova 4:48.16, 2. Pavla Solivarska (88) 4:48.25
10 000 m: 1. Zuzana Novackova 38:51.15
100mH (+2.2): 1. Alzbeta Adamikova 15.09,...Miriam Bobkova dnf hit 3rd hurdle
SC: 1. Kristina Proticova 10:55.10
PV: 1. Slavomira Slukova 385 MR
LJ: 1. Jana Veldakova 660 (+1.7) MR
JT: 1. Jana Katrencikova 40.91
HT: 1. Martina Danisova 73.84 NR, MR (73.84 – 70.93 – 71.89 – 73.36 – f – 69.54), 2. Nikola Lomnicka (88) 58.15, 3. Monika Kralovenska 56.16, 4. Mikaela Johansson,SWE 50.65
4x100 m: 1. Spartak Dubnica 49.83

2nd day


200 m (0.0): 1. Jan Gajdos 21.71, 2. Roman Holly 21:74, 3. Matus Mentel (87) 21.76, 4. Jozef Repcik (800 m specialist) 22.05
800 m: 1. Matus Lajcak 1:52.63
5000 m: 1. Miroslav Vanko 15:04.20
400mH: 1. Peter Hort 53.61
PV: 1. Marian Zigala (90) 420
TJ: 1. Dmitrij Valukevic 16.37 (+0.2), 2. Jaroslav Dobrovodsky 15.90 (+0.8)
SP: 1. Mikulas Konopka 19.23, 2. Daniel Vanek 18.25
DT: 1. Daniel Vanek 55.28
4x400 m: 1. Spartak Dubnica 3:23.81


200 m (+0.1): 1. Barbora Simkova (87) 24.55
800 m: 1. Lucia Klocova 2:03.06
5000 m: 1. Katarina Beresova 17:52.11
400mH: 1. Lucia Slanickova 62.26
HJ: 1. Iveta Srnkova (87) 173
TJ: 1. Irina Beskrovnaja 14.07 (+1.2) PB, 2. Dana Veldakova 14.06 (+0.9)
SP: 1. Martina Danisova 14.51
DT: 1. Ivona Tomanova 50.39
4x400 m: 1. Spartak Dubnica 4:00.32

Guest walking races (track, not championships):

Men – 10 000 m: 1. Milos Batovsky 42:22.17, 2. Anton Kucmin 42:42.30, 3. Milan Rizek 42:56.63, 4. Dusan Majdan (87) 43:00.13, 5. Kazimir Verkin 43:45.23, 6. Michal Blazek 44:56.12
Wom – 5000 m: 1. Zuzana Malikova 21:47.67, 2. Klara Malikova (87) 24:33.87, 3. Maria Czakova (88) 25:02.08, 4. Barbora Strnadova (89) 26:02.78


Somosko, July 1, 20th international high jump meeting at square this year held as Istvan Gyulai Memory Competition, regular set up valid for record purposes

MEN: 1. Rozle Prezelj,SLO 226, 2t. Tomislav Popek,CRO and Rob Mitchell,GBR 214
WOM: 1. Blanka Vlasic, CRO 203 – equalled world best, new meet record the old one 201 by Stefka Kostadinova,BUL in 1996, 2. Barbora Lalakova,CZE 191, 3. Dora Gyorffy,HUN 191
Alfons Juck

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