Ulrike Kalss won the women´s Pentathlon with 3741 points - a new PR.
Klaus Ambrosch - he won his first national Indoortitle
Jon Arnar Magnusson from Iceland scored 6084 points, now he has to wait if this is enough to qualify for the World Indoor Championships.
800 Frauen from the left: Röser (66), Schreibeis (70), Plazotta (69), Maurer (57), Weissenböck (72), Kalss (55)
Elisabeth Plazotta had two events, where she was far away from her expected results (HJ and LJ) so she could not challenge Kalss - she placed second with 3574 points.
Klaus Ambrosch before the doping test - seems not to be very exited.
Sabrina Gärtner
Thomas Lorber
The national record holder in the Heptathlon Thomas Tebbich placed second with 5492 points.
Winner Heptathlon:
T.Tebbich, K.Ambrosch, T.Lorber
60 Hurdles Heptathlon